I think it depends on “context. When one of you is 80 the other is 90 (and almost certainly dead). . Ask us anything. Especially 19 and a 31yo. My gf is 10 years older than me but we met when I was 28. Most times it’s not about the age gap. I'm 31 and my wife is 40 so just under a 10 age gap. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. kymberleeh • 4 yr. It doesn't sit right with me. b/c I feel that a 19 year old would not have a ton of issues around feeling powerless with a 5 year gap, whereas a 7+ year gap could cause problems. It actually does matter, because when you're still young you're still exploring the world, a 30 year old will have for the most part already explored and wont change much, an 18 year old has still yet to become a real "adult" so it does matter but its up to the individual person. 20+ years gap is weird, but anything under 10 years an age gap is practically same-age. As long as it's lawful and consensual: Yes. People are going to look askance at a 28 year old employee of the university dating an 18 year old freshman. They've also begun printing. He is respectful, loyal, compassionate, understanding. Are there more people on here with a ~20 year gap?. Enemypropaganda • 4 yr. My mother had my sister (the oldest of the younger 4) one month after my 16th birthday. The short answer is yes. In a Reddit thread on couples with major age differences,. An 8 year age gap isn't that big, but with all age gaps the age of the younger person is the issue. " 2. But I’m not recommending it to you, OP, since you might not enjoy it. I really like her and I believe we have good chemistry between us and that she likes me too. At 25. I can go on and on but most dramas have given me the picture that age gaps aren’t a big deal in Korea. Once you're in your mid20s an 8 year gap won't mean much at all because you'll have had a good amount of life experience. not as dramatic but my relationship has a 10 year gap. A 10 year age gap between a 30 and 40 year old is okay, but when it's between, say, an 18 and 28 year old, it's a little concerning. It's 2 years. DBishop14 • 1 yr. So a lot of people here on Reddit freak out over age gaps (don’t project your own insecurities). I agree that these subs can be weird about age gaps. Five years apart is so good and so tough. Negatively, it might mean they'll be too stuck in their ways and won't change nor compromise. ago. No one knows the situation better than you. 8. simplifiedworld • 5 yr. ago. So I suggest being her friend and just getting her. I found out I’m pregnant today. My grandparents had a 15 year age gap (she was older. Team_Defeat • 1 yr. Because it's usually a 30 year old asking about an 18 year old, or the reverse, and those relationships are super unhealthy the vast majority of the time. 15 year age gap, should i quit? Hi guys, I'm a 39-year-old pastor and businessman who is married to a beautiful 24-year-old wife. 10 year age gap. I believe the guy was in his 50's, the girl around the 19-20 year old range. These guys are too old for most college students. It just depends on if it follows the rule, 15 ÷ 2 = 7. I stayed because I knew in my heart that he was the person I was supposed to be with. ) To me, an "age gap" is 10+ years. 2. So if you’re a 24-year-old, you can feel. I'm more interested how our personalities work together than getting hung up on age. This does not denote a lack of mentality or predatory behaviour but a joining of similar personalities that just have a gap in the age range. Many say 21 to 31 is a good age gap as both are adult that have jobs or are currently holding. It is also harder to find other families with similar age gap. Both adults, so it's fine. The gap between the 3rd and my first two is 5 and 4 years. {The work of art by Mimi Matthews} has 10 years age gap. In the post, the author wrote that their partner is five years younger than they are and teases them about their age difference. So that’s a whopping 30 years of gap! 😱. Business, Economics, and Finance. AgeGap is the forum for anything involving relationships with a significant age gap, regardless of gender and sexual orientation. We have a 32 year age gap 29M and 61F and are both in love and very happy. Some 24 yr olds are mature and have a clear idea of themselves and where they are in life. I think this article has a fairly good breakdown. Doesn't bother me. not later. I’m 33 and she’s 22, so an 11 year age difference. The age gap is pretty bad. If you're both under 18 then yes, 3 years for me is a big age gap. Maybe not legally, but they are! I agree that the age gap was distracting. alexafromtheblock • 1 yr. Since the time-consuming aspects associated with having two younger children are fewer, you'll likely have more time to read, play and otherwise enjoy each of your kids individually. The theory is that this is due to the vast gulf in life stages among the former group. Not only does a 10 year age gap not matter, most of the time it's not even obvious that an age gap exists. 18 year age gap relationship. Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images For Entertainment Weekly. So are you. Especially with 10+ age gap. Putting aside just the specter of death, you're at radically different degrees of mobility and health. I get people raising eyebrows at 20 or 30 year gaps, even 15. We hit it off from the bat and had an amazing evening and even ended up spending the night together. Active_Ad1769 • 7 mo. 2. Most people who are 15 years apart in age have very different goals, beliefs, and things which they think are important and worthy of spending time on. If I see age gap is more than 7 years, I don't even look thru the profile. ago. Right now there would be huge power imbalance between you two. ago. My half sister was born when I was leaving the house to go off to college. My SO is 11 years younger than me. But it's not just because of the age gap. I also dated a 32 year old when I was 21 and Looking back, I know now why no 30 year old or so woman would have him but 21 year old me was not so wise. We've been together 16 years and still quite happy. While it's true that a 3 year age gap isn't as big a deal when, say, one person is 30 and the other is 27, it's really not the same. “She’ll jokingly say things like, ‘You were in your. 17 years is not a huge age gap and besides it's only a number if you're both happy. "Although in 2014 the average age difference in US heterosexual relationships was a relatively small 2. I've mostly dated men around 28 pretty consistently (not sure why honestly, it just happened. ago. Research indicates that heterosexual couples tend to differ in age by about three years and men tend to be older (Buss, 1989; Conroy-Beam, 2019). Mermaidmolly • 6 yr. ago. At first I was hesitant about responding because we have a 12 year age gap. I met her at a training course. 1. MatJosher •. What could you possible have in common with a huge age gap?If you were like 16-19 there would be a problem. 2 grades between them and they fight over silly things. He is 80 now. There's an 8 year gap in between my two most recent kids. 1 yr. 3 years, many couples have a much wider gap. age has no real direct impact. Under 10 years is largely accepted in the us outside of moral crusader pockets or jealous friends. they are CHILDREN. I think between 4 and 10 is the sweet spot. i started dating my partner when i was 17 and they were 15, but i should clarify, it’s only a 1. ago. 10 year age gap. Yes, two people can be drawn together purely by matching temperaments & interests despite 4 years age difference. It isn’t the same for everyone, but it works if you allow it to. o. 5 years apart. I really didn't get a. I see the age gap as a positive thing in most areas — he’s mature, experienced, emotionally intelligent, financially stable, has life skills and sex skills, and was a great father to his kids in his past marriage. ago. We are also coming from different countries. So for a 24-year-old, the upper age limit would be 34 (17 * 2). This could have been a very different post. {Forever my lord} has 20 years age gap. 30/22 isn’t that big of a gap but as a 22 year old, you probably still have a few years of big changes. Also caring for an old guy isn't for everyone. Answer (1 of 11): If the two persons in question are 30 and 20, it might work, although some people are still quite immature at 20. ) A 10-year gap between 40 and 50, on the other hand, feels like a non. As such, the gap between ages that put you in vastly different life stages becomes larger, so a 17 year gap becomes less and less prominent. 15 votes, 50 comments. Depending on the. I do think that where you are in life currently and where he is make the age gap not work. I feel like 5 year age gap is already a lot. Many people felt like the age gap between a 19-year-old and a 30-year-old was huge red flag: 1. But I think there’s questions to be asked when a 29 years old is so ok with dating an 18 year old. My only relationship is a 10 year age gap. Your partner and yourself should be able to say what you're comfortable with. They are currently 6 & 13 and they get along great. But she had a fake ID that said she was 21, and she looked 21. You will (hopefully) view people/things differently. CryptoI(f29) & my husband(m43) have a 14 year age difference. Reply. Mission-Metal-7168 • 1 yr. "I would not. Top-Summer-1104 • 1 yr. See the Wiki for more information about the subreddit, The Rules and articles about common topics. At this point, out lives are too different. Same, especially in the context of people on reddit upset about an age gap between adults. If a guy was dating a girl all through high school and suddenly he turns 18 when she’s 16 or 17, he’s not a pedo. I feel like dating someone 15 years older than you when you have reached an age where you actually have a decent amount of life experience is significantly different than a 35 year old going after a 19 year old. OP, the age gap is too large when you arent comfortable with it, or when one is a minor and the other is an adult (obv, but trolls are trolls). I can’t help but feel like I’m doing something wrong or shameful. I would say the largest age gap I have read would maybe 30 or 35 years. I'd like to add that age does not denote maturity at all. We have been together now for almost 5 years,he has motivated me so much in life with studying, getting a part. He didn’t get to have much of a childhood due to parental drama & his family being Jehovah’s Witness so no holidays or birthdays either. The only gap related challenge for you two will really only lie on keeping to similar/compatible life stages. "Mommy doesn't feel well today, can you (insert independent activity for a few minutes)". Another red flag is talking about you as if you are so much better than all the other women. Xealz • 2 yr. Granted, you were youngish when you two got together, but you WERE a legal adult. I was expecting her to be 6-8 years younger. I think a 10 year age gap is fine if they're 30/40, 40/50, etc. Living Room Matsunaga-san has a 10-year age gap. Once your happy, its no one's business, but the 2 of you. 19 and 28 is creepy. Since you are an adult, you have to look for yourself if the person is the right fit for you. 25 and 35 is not as bad, but 20 and 30 has grooming vibes. ago. Gap shouldn't be more than 4-5 years. If you truly match up with someone, age gap becomes less if a thing. Manga with age gap please! Please recommend me Shoujo manga or Josei manga with an older ML and younger FL or the opposite. Things to consider, people change (both mature to ~50 then slow down. . 3 years, many couples have a much wider gap. I am a 25 year old female, he is 37. The brain is virtually fully developed by end of puberty but its plasticity peaks and plateaus at 25, and then cognitive function gradually declines after that. ago. He probably is immature for his age. For me it really gets sketchy when the gap is 20 or over. We met at 20 and 23 in university lol. Age is just a number in my opinion. 8. Original post: 10 year age gap. To me age gap is irrelevant after the brain is fully developed at age 25. Reply alexafromtheblock 19 • Additional comment actions. She is 100% limited by what he can do. My mother is 20 years younger than my dad. . Love's Charade and Reckless Angel both have age gaps. Like when you were born your partner would be a freshman in high school-. Relationships Family and Relationships. We were together for just under a year before he left his wife. Older age/2 +7. Not to mention it is illegal to date someone under 18 years of age, especially if there is a considerable age gap.